Looking for a job with a federal agency? Have Westlaw access?

Elizabeth Peck, Director of Public Service at Cornell Law School brought this great job searching tip to our attention after coming across this resource suggestion in Finding and Funding International Public Service Opportunities (an online guide updated annually by NALP members at the Universities of Arizona and Georgia, and at the William & Mary School of Law).

Westlaw maintains a database of federal agencies’ regional offices across the U.S. and the world.  The database gives you the ability to search by more than 100 practice areas to locate the agencies which need lawyers with particular practice specializations.

To search the database:  login to Westlaw and then go to Home –> Career Focus –> Law Student Jobs Online –> Federal Careers for Attorneys.

Also, don’t forget to utilize the federal career resources available to you for FREE on PSLawNet, including the 2010-2011 NALP Federal Legal Opportunities Guide and more.

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