Federal Career Fair to Take Place on July 14 in DC
From our friends at the Partnership for Public Service:
The Partnership for Public Service will host its eighth annual Public Service Career and Internship Fair onJuly 14 from 3:00-7:00 p.m. at the National Building Museum. Last year’s event connected 78 federal agencies with more than 6,000 well-qualified and diverse candidates.
This fair is dedicated to providing summer interns in Washington, DC, students–both graduate and undergraduate, and recent graduates with access to agency representatives, and information about their agencies’ missions and available positions. By facilitating conversations between federal workers and promising young people, we hope to encourage entry-level talent to bring their skills and experiences to the government as dynamic federal employees.Agency registration for this event is now open. Agencies that register before May 31 will receive a discount on the cost of their registration packages. The last day to sign up for the event is July 1. Visit ourpublicservice.org/careerfair to learn more and register!Registration for students and recent graduates will open on June 1. Please email careerfair@ourpublicservice.org if you would like to be added to our outreach list.