American Constitution Society on Proposed Cuts to LSC Funding
By Jamie Bence
Today on the American Constitution Society’s Blog, more information about the probable impact of proposed cuts to LSC funding. Corey Shdaimah writes, based on his experience interviewing legal services attorneys and clients:
In the flurry of budget discussions and funding cuts, money to the Legal Services Corporation is again on the chopping block, estimated to result in turning away 235,000 people across the country. This comes when estimates already show that for each eligible client served, another is turned away from LSC-funded programs and at least 80% of civil legal needs go unmet. Legal services for low-income clients are no luxury; they are often necessary to ensure basic survival. Funding cuts such as these always come at a time when such services are most needed. If we can shore up corporations and financial institutions, why can’t we shore up people, communities, and their faith in our legal system? In the U.S., access to justice without lawyers is largely a hollow promise.
For the complete post and more information on Shdaimah ‘s Negotiating Justice, please click here.