Nominate a Public Interest Lawyer for an ABA Award! Deadline: 4/3/12
From the ABA’s Government and Public Sector Lawyers Division (GPSLD):
GPSLD’s National Awards: Honoring the Public Sector’s Best
The Government and Public Sector Lawyers Division’s annual awards program is designed to recognize the extraordinary achievements of public lawyers and to inform the general public about the outstanding work performed and the positive impact made by our nation’s public lawyers. The 2012 Awards will be presented on August 3 at the Fairmont Chicago Millennium Park, in conjunction with the ABA Annual Meeting.
The deadline for nominations for the 2012 Awards is Tuesday, April 3, 2012.
The Dorsey Award honors an outstanding public defender or legal aid lawyer. The Award was named for the late Charles H. Dorsey, Jr., long-time Executive Director of Maryland’s Legal Aid Bureau, Inc. and a champion of the poor and underprivileged.
The Hodson Award recognizes sustained outstanding service or a specific extraordinary accomplishment by a government or public sector law office. (This is not an award for an individual). The award is named in honor of the distinguished public service career of the late Major General Kenneth J. Hodson, a former Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Army.
The Nelson Award recognizes outstanding contributions to the ABA by an individual government or public sector lawyer. The Award was established as a tribute to the late L. Clair Nelson, who contributed his loyalty, time and extraordinary talent to the ABA.