Job o’ the Day: Gault Fellowship with the National Juvenile Defender Center in Washington, DC!

From the PSJD job posting:

Law students graduating in 2014 are invited to apply for a two-year juvenile indigent defense fellowship at National Juvenile Defender Center (NJDC) in Washington, D.C. starting in September 2014.

The Gault Fellowship is named for Gerald Gault, the juvenile petitioner in the seminal U.S. Supreme Court case In re Gault. The Gault decision extended many of the same due process protections afforded adults accused of crimes, including the right to counsel, to juveniles. Gerald is still active in the juvenile justice community and serves as an honorary board member of NJDC.

The Fellow will perform extensive legal work for NJDC and assist with the provision of training and technical assistance to the juvenile defense community. The Fellow will work closely with juvenile defense attorneys, public defender offices, law schools, legal clinics, and nonprofit law centers to improve access to counsel and the quality of representation for all children. The Fellow will collaborate with NJDC staff to develop legal and policy work around a broad range of juvenile defense issues. The Fellow will write reports, articles, issue briefs, and fact sheets to inform the field. The Fellow will assist in the research, writing, and crafting of amicus briefs. The Fellow will engage in public speaking and juvenile defender trainings. The Fellow will proactively initiate projects to improve the provision of justice in the juvenile delinquency system. This is not a project-based fellowship. It is internally funded.

Starting salary is $45,000 with the possibility of an increase in the second year. Interested in applying? The deadline is October 15, 2013. Check out more information, including qualifications and application instructions, on (log-in required)!