Job’o’th’Week (Internship Edition)

The Institute for Justice is the National Law Firm for Liberty.
IJ litigates to limit the size and scope of government power and to ensure that all Americans have the right to control their own destinies as free and responsible members of society.
The Institute for Justice combines cutting-edge litigation, sophisticated media relations, strategic research, boots-on-the-ground advocacy and much more to fight on behalf of those individuals who are denied their constitutional rights. Despite the challenge of taking on powerful government officials and entrenched precedents, IJ is successful in winning 70 percent of its cases in the court of law, in the court of public opinion or through legislative reforms.
The Institute for Justice’s Dave Kennedy Summer Fellowship program provides an unparalleled opportunity for select law students to substantively contribute to IJ’s cutting-edge civil-rights litigation. Fellows conduct legal research; help develop litigation strategies for active and potential cases; and draft discovery requests, motions, and briefs filed in both state and federal court.
IJ’s Dave Kennedy Summer Fellowship positions are highly competitive. The fellowship is a paid opportunity, $7000 for the 10 week program, and generally runs from the last week of May through early-August. Fellowship opportunities are available at all six of IJ’s offices:
Arlington, VA (Headquarters)
Austin, TX
Seattle, WA
Miami, FL
Minneapolis, MN
Tempe, AZ
See the full post on PSJD: .