Job’o’th’Week (Entry-Level Edition)
The Organization

The Maryland Office of the Public Defender (OPD) provides statewide representation in criminal defense cases to those unable to afford an attorney. Maryland OPD employees operate according to a common principle: Justice, Fairness and Dignity for All. Under this guiding principle, Maryland OPD attorneys represent clients in criminal defense, parental, defense, appeals, post-conviction, and mental health cases.
The Position
The Maryland Office of the Public Defender is hiring its Fall 2020 Class of assistant public defenders to work in its offices throughout the state. Assistant public defenders are responsible for zealously advocating for indigent criminal defendants through competent and resourceful representation and thoughtful communication with clients and team members.
The ideal candidates will have a demonstrated commitment to public defense and social justice, will be compassionate, and will thrive in a fast-paced environment.
See the full post on PSJD: