PSJD Public Interest News Digest – March 27, 2020

Sam Halpert, NALP Director of Public Service Initiatives

Photo: Harris and Ewing Collection, Library of Congress

Hello there, interested public! It’s been a busy week–so busy in fact that the digest will be a bit brief today. To start with, our PSJD Fellow Brittany Valente has done a stellar job pulling together all of the various orders under which state judiciaries are now operating across the country, which is available now as a resource on PSJD. We hope to add information about federal courts before too long, and are also working on a document about changes in carceral policies and policing.

As with last week, in each section news that is not related to the current crisis appears at the section’s end, separated from Coronavirus content with a horizontal line (—).

Stay well,


Tracking the Changing Landscape

Remote Court Practice & Lawmaking

Student Loans & Student Debt

Non-Profit & Gov’t Management & Hiring

Immigration, Refugee & Citizenship Issues


Access to Justice – Civil & Economic