Jobs’o’th’Week (Entry-Level & Experienced Edition)

A hot topic this election season is policy and issues related to immigration, asylum, and refugee laws. This week we’re highlighting staff attorney positions with non-profit and civil legal aid organizations that represent immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers of all ages and backgrounds.
For more opportunities in immigration, browse this filtered search of PSJD.
African Services Committee (New York, NY)
African Services Committee is a multiservice agency assisting immigration, refugees, and asylum seekers from the African Diaspora. African Services provides civil legal and social services throughout New York City, while also operating four HIV clinics in Ethiopia to help prevent HIV and expand access to AIDS treatment.
African Services Committee seeks two attorneys and an immigration paralegal to join its staff. The two attorneys will provide assistance in matters relating to immigration or housing and benefits. Ideal candidates will speak a foreign language (particularly Spanish or French) and will be committed to serving immigrant communities.
Follow this link to learn more.
Esperanza Immigrant Rights Project (Los Angeles, CA)
An initiative of Catholic Charities of Los Angeles, Esperanza Immigrant Rights Project is a non-profit law firm providing community education and legal representation to immigrant communities in Southern California. Attorneys at Esperanza provide both pro bono and low-cost direct representation to youth and adults both detained and released from immigration detention centers.
Esperanza seeks a staff attorney and two managing attorneys to join the Representation and Released Youth Programs. Ideal candidates will be passionate about social justice for immigrants and vulnerable communities, and will be proficient in at least two languages.
Follow this link to learn more.
Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (Multiple Locations)
Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) is the nation’s leading Latino civil rights organization. MALDEF combines advocacy, educational outreach, and litigation strategies to achieve socio-economic change.
MALDEF is hiring interns and staff attorneys to joins its legislative and litigation teams. MALDEF has openings in its offices in California, D.C., Illinois, and Texas. Ideal candidates will be interested and have experience in civil rights, immigration, and issues affecting the Latino community.
Follow this link to learn more.