PSJD News Digest – May 17, 2024

Sam Halpert, NALP Director of Public Service Initiatives

Photo: Harris and Ewing Collection, Library of Congress

Hello, interested public! I’m back in DC after a very interesting week in Detroit. Major stories this week include a lot of issues of US federal policy. Whistleblower accounts from within the company servicing public service student loans about their treatment of borrowers and from within the State Department and USAID about US policy on Gaza. The CFPB’s funding structure survived a challenge at the Supreme Court, and Government Executive suggested that the Biden Administration’s immigration policy may require a significant increase in staffing. As always, these stories and more are in the links below.

Take care,


Editor’s Choice(s)

Non-Profit & Government Management & Hiring

Student Loans & Student Debt

Access to Justice – Civil & Economic

Access to Justice – Criminal

Prosecutorial and Public Defense Office Hiring Crises

Criminal Legal Reform & Counter-Reform