Job’o’th’Week (All Experience Levels Edition)

The Organization

Photo: Brenda Gottesman – CC License

Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) is a national organization that advocates for the rights of unaccompanied migrant and refugee children. Employees and partners of KIND recognize that the needs of unaccompanied migrant children are multi-faceted so they use a holistic strategy for addressing these needs. KIND’s services include pro bono legal representation, policy and advocacy for fair treatment, and mental and social services. KIND has successfully been referred more than 20,000 children, trained over 50,000 participants on how to represent children, and hosted over 644 legal partners.

The Positions

KIND seeks applicants with all levels of experience to fill intern, paralegal, and attorney positions in their offices across the country.

For each of these positions, the ideal candidates will have experience with immigration law, experience working with children, cross-cultural communication skills, and fluency in Spanish.

For more information about openings with KIND, see KIND’s profile on PSJD: