An alternative way to help fund your summer public interest work or finance your legal education is to enter writing competitions! Listed below are a handful of opportunities with upcoming deadlines. Click on the name of the competition to go to their website:
Smith-Doheny Legal Ethics Writing Competition – Sponsored by Notre Dame University
Deadline: April 26, 2013
All students with an interest in legal ethics are invited and encouraged to participate. Entries should concern any issue within the general category of legal ethics, and must be original, unpublished work. Submissions will be judged by a panel of faculty at Notre Dame School of Law.
NAWL’s 2013 Selma Moidel Smith Writing Competition
Deadline: May 1, 2013
The National Association of Women Lawyers is a national voluntary legal professional organization whose mission is the advancement of women in the legal profession and women’s rights. They have established this annual writing competition to encourage and reward law student writing on issues concerning women and the law. Entrants have to submit a paper on an issuesconcerning women’s rights or the status of women in the law – the most recent winning essay was “All Things Being Equal, Women Lose. Investigating the Lack of Diversity Among the Recent Appointments to the Iowa Supreme Court,” written by Abigail Rury, Michigan State University School of Law.
American Judges Association – 25th Annual Law Student Essay Competition
Deadline: June 1, 2013
The American Judges Association is hosting its annual essay competition, open to all full-time law students. Essays submitted for the 2013 competition must be under the topic of “Comparing Hearsay Rules in Different Courts”.
2013 Jacques Leroy International Prize – Student Competition
Deadline: June 30, 2013
The Union Internationale des Avocats (International Association of Lawyers – UIA), established in 1927, is the oldest association of lawyers. Representing over 2 million attorneys, its main purpose is the defense and future of the legal profession within the national and international contexts. The 4th Annual Jacques Leroy international prize will reward a law student of less than 30 years for his or her legal work. Interested students must send a dissertation (plea, study, commentary of a practical case) before the deadline that deals with the following theme: “Fair Trade: How can we establish rules that are specific and realistic?
2013 Theodore Tannewald, Jr. Writing Competition
Deadline: July 1, 2013
Named for the late Tax Court Judge Theodore Tannewald, Jr., and designed to perpetuate his dedication to legal scholarship of the highest quality, the Tannewald Writing Competition is open to all full- or part-time law school students. Papers on any federal or state tax-related topic may be submitted in accordance with the Competition Rules.
2013 American Inns of Court Warren E. Burger Prize Writing Competition
Deadline: July 15, 2013
The Warren E. Burger Prize is a writing competition designed to encourage outstanding scholarship that “promotes the ideas of excellence, civility, ethics and professionalism within the legal profession” – the core mission of the American Inns of Court. Interested authors are asked to submit an original, unpublished essay of 10,000 – 25,000 words on a topic that addresses issues of legal excellence, civility, ethics and professionalism.
For a list of more upcoming writing competitions, check out Arizona State University Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law’s list of writing competitions for law students!