Interested in standing out from crowds of job applicants, but in ways other than a cover letter or resume? Try attending one of the below public interest conferences or career fairs to add a few influential names to your networking circle, or apply for the chance to win a legal writing competition centered around human rights law:
1. 2013 Public Interest Environmental Law Conference
Held at the University of Oregon School of Law, the 31st Annual Public Interest Environmental Law Conference claims to be one of the world’s most important environmental legal gatherings. The goal is to inspire renewed commitment to collaboration and outreach among attendees. Spanning four days (February 28 – March 3, 2013), the conference usually brings in more than 3,000 activists, attorneys, students, scientists, politicians, authors, philosophers and concerned citizens. Registration is still open.
2. 2013 Lavender Law Conference & Career Fair
The National LGBT Bar Association’s annual Lavender Law Career Fair was created specifically with LGBT candidates in mind. Conference attendees will speak directly with LGBT-friendly recruiters from law firms, government agencies, LGBT rights groups, and corporate legal departments. The National LGBT Bar Association will host two live, interactive webchat sessions before the Career Fair to answer any questions. The Career Fair will take place in San Francisco from August 22-24, 2013. You can register here.
3. Trinity Law School’s Center for Human Rights Law Writing Competition
The 2nd Annual Center for Human Rights Law Writing Competition invites the submission of scholarly papaers on the topic of “Evolving Tension between the Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Religion, and Hate Speech and Blasphemy Laws”. Specifically, the Center for Human Rights Law would like essays to address this growing tension in a way that best expresses the depth and scope of the continually evolving issue. Prizes range from $500 – $3,000, and include expedited consideration for publication in the 2013/2014 Trinity Law Review. The deadline to submit papers is March 25, 2013.
Don’t forget to check out our Public Interest Career Fair Calendar, located in PSJD’s Resource Center, for even more career fairs!