Archive for Public Interest Law News Bulletin

PSJD Public Interest News Digest – July 9, 2021

Sam Halpert, NALP Director of Public Service Initiatives

Photo: Harris and Ewing Collection, Library of Congress

Hello, interested public! At the end of another week, a few key stories for you: Big student loan news this week in the United States, as the Biden Administration hired an outspoken proponent of student debt cancellation while a major student loan servicer announced its plans to shutter its business at the end of 2021. Meanwhile, Department of Treasury data shows almost none of the emergency rental aid funds allocated by Congress have been spent. In Canada, members of parliament called for a special prosecutor to address crimes against Indigenous people.

These stories and more are in the links below.

Take care of one another,


Editor’s Choice

Free & Fair Elections; Rule of Law

Immigration, Refugee, and Citizenship Issues

Student Loans & Student Debt

Non-Profit & Gov’t Management & Hiring

Access to Justice – Civil & Economic

Access to Justice – Criminal

Criminal Justice Reform and Counter-Reform

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PSJD Public Interest News Digest – July 2, 2021

Sam Halpert, NALP Director of Public Service Initiatives

Photo: Harris and Ewing Collection, Library of Congress

Hello, interested public. Welcome to a new academic year. As readers affiliated with schools that subscribe to may be aware, we are beginning a new cycle for our public service platform. The past eighteen months have been hard for us all, and that hardship has worn on each of us differently. For me, this digest has been harder to produce. But as we begin our new cycle here I plan to begin releasing regular updates again, as I had been prior to the pandemic.

We’re diving back in with a jam-packed week of news. The US Supreme Court allowed a federal moratorium on evictions to remain in place, but at least one local court has ruled that this decision does not create a nationwide precedent. The debate over student loan debt forgiveness continues, with forgiveness advocates marshalling evidence that loan forgiveness will have a significant impact on the racial wealth gap. Meanwhile, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau reported on debt servicers’ deceptive efforts to prevent borrowers from taking advantage of public service loan forgiveness and researchers revealed that the Department of Education seems more interested in collecting on debts owed by individual student borrowers than by educational institutions. The Biden Administration also made big news concerning government management and hiring with a new Executive Order concerning Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the federal workforce.

As was our custom, these stories and more are in the links below.

Take care of one another,


Free & Fair Elections

Immigration, Refugee, and Citizenship Issues

Student Loans & Student Debt

Pandemic in the Legal System

Non-Profit & Gov’t Management & Hiring

Access to Justice – Civil & Economic

Access to Justice – Criminal

Criminal Justice Reform and Counter-Reform

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PSJD Public Interest News Digest – March 19, 2021

Sam Halpert, NALP Director of Public Service Initiatives

Photo: Harris and Ewing Collection, Library of Congress

Hello, interested public. There is much news this week, but my thoughts begin and end with Atlanta as I attempt to write.

Take care of one another,


Editor’s Choice

Free & Fair Elections

Racial Justice

Immigration, Refugee, and Citizenship Issues

Student Loans & Student Debt

Pandemic in the Legal System

Non-Profit & Gov’t Management & Hiring

Access to Justice – Civil & Economic

Access to Justice – Criminal

Criminal Justice Reform and Counter-Reform

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PSJD Public Interest News Digest – March 5, 2021

Sam Halpert, NALP Director of Public Service Initiatives

Photo: Harris and Ewing Collection, Library of Congress

Hello, interested public! Welcome to the end of another jam-packed week. Highlights revolve around student debt relief, where the details of various proposals are coming under greater scrutiny as some form of relief looks increasingly likely, and the Right to Counsel in Eviction, where states and localities are moving with renewed urgency as various pandemic eviction moratoria continue to expire. In criminal justice, a judge in Missouri ruled public defender “waiting lists” unconstitutional. And in Ontario, a superior court judge accepted the possibility that gun manufacturers may have civil liability for mass shootings under certain circumstances.

Take care of one another,


Editor’s Choice

  • In a Brookings Institution paper worth reading in full, authors Andre M. Perryand Carl Romer of the Metropolitan Policy Program argued that “[s]tudent debt cancellation should consider wealth, not income”:

    Critics of student debt cancellation often focus on the higher income earnings of professionals…But these broadside critiques often miss three key details in the labor market. First, an American Economic Association study showed that while individuals with student loans do have higher incomes, they do not have statistically significant higher hourly wages, suggesting that student debt is forcing loan holders to work longer hours. Second, student debt pushes graduates to choose work they are less passionate about and away from public interest careers that offer lower salaries relative to corporate work. Third, a study in the Economics of Education Review shows that recent graduates with student debt take jobs that have higher initial salaries but lower potential wage growth.

    Critics of student debt cancellation also misrepresent who borrows and who holds federal student debt. According to our Brookings colleagues, Black borrowers typically owe 50% more in student debt upon graduation than their white peers. Four years after graduation, this gap increases to 100%. While poor and Black households’ student debt increases, nonbank marketplace lenders like Splash Financial and SoFi offer lower refinance rates to low-credit-risk households.
    By targeting the student debts of the highest-income and highest-net-worth households, private companies have forced the federal government to hold the highest-risk loans (those held by lower-income and low-wealth households), according to the Congressional Budget Office. So, by cancelling federal student debt, lawmakers are ipso facto aiding low-wealth households.

    [emphases added]

Free & Fair Elections

Environmental Justice & Environmental Collapse

Immigration, Refugee, and Citizenship Issues

Student Loans & Student Debt

Pandemic in the Legal System

Non-Profit & Gov’t Management & Hiring

Access to Justice – Civil & Economic

Access to Justice – Criminal

Criminal Justice Reform and Counter-Reform

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PSJD Public Interest News Digest – February 19, 2021

Sam Halpert, NALP Director of Public Service Initiatives

Photo: Harris and Ewing Collection, Library of Congress

Hello, interested public! I wish you all the best, here on the tail end of yet another wild week. As has become the norm, there are many stories below all of which would dominate the week’s news in another era. In the US, the President rejected calls for unilateral student debt relief from Democrats in Congress and some state attorneys general and drew sharp criticism from the ACLU for a new DHS policy memo that the ACLU says reneges on his commitment to “to fully break from the harmful deportation policies of both the Trump and Obama presidencies.” At the local government level, you will find two stories related to counter-reform efforts aimed at limiting the scope of the progressive prosecution moment. In Canada, at both the national and provincial level bar associations and governments are making plans for improving the justice system, drawing on lessons learned from the pandemic.

Take care of one another,


Editor’s Choices

Transition of Power

Legal Ethics

Environmental Justice & Environmental Collapse

Immigration, Refugee, and Citizenship Issues

Student Loans & Student Debt

Non-Profit & Gov’t Management & Hiring

Access to Justice – Civil & Economic

Access to Justice – Criminal

Criminal Justice Reform and Counter-Reform

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PSJD Public Interest News Digest – February 12, 2021

Sam Halpert, NALP Director of Public Service Initiatives

Photo: Harris and Ewing Collection, Library of Congress

Hello, interested public! I hope you’re all weathering the new year and our continuing shared challenges. The news continues to be jam-packed, but as other aspects of my work become somewhat more manageable I hope to help you sort through it again. This is a long edition, covering material related to the new administration in Washington, the ongoing pandemic and its effects on the legal system and on our social safety net more broadly, and continued reverberations from racial justice protests and challenges to the legitimacy of the recent national election. The most noteworthy story may be a recent survey indicating broad bipartisan appeal (among the populace, not necessarily politicians) for a right to counsel in eviction proceedings.

Take care of one another,


Transition of Power

Immigration, Refugee, and Citizenship Issues

Pandemic in the Legal System

State-Sponsored Violence

Violence Against Protesters

Free & Fair Elections

Student Loans & Student Debt

Non-Profit & Gov’t Management & Hiring

Expanding Legal Practice

Access to Justice – Civil & Economic

Access to Justice – Criminal

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PSJD Public Interest News Digest – October 23, 2020

Sam Halpert, NALP Director of Public Service Initiatives

Photo: Harris and Ewing Collection, Library of Congress

Interested public. So many urgent concerns clamor for our attention these days. I hope my attempt to be focused in this space suits your needs. Here is some news.

Take care of one another,


State-Directed Violence

Free and Fair Elections

The Civil Service

  • In Washington DC, “President Trump this week fired his biggest broadside yet against the federal bureaucracy by issuing an executive order that would remove job security from an estimated tens of thousands of civil servants and dramatically remake the government…attorneys, regulators, public health experts and many others in senior roles would lose rights to due process and in some cases, union representation, at agencies across the government. The White House declined to say how many jobs would be swept into a class of employees with fewer civil service rights, but civil service experts and union leaders estimated anywhere from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands in a workforce of 2.1 million.
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    PSJD Public Interest News Digest – October 2, 2020

    Sam Halpert, NALP Director of Public Service Initiatives

    Photo: Harris and Ewing Collection, Library of Congress

    Interested public. So many urgent concerns clamor for our attention these days. I hope my attempt to be focused in this space suits your needs. Here is some news.

    Take care of one another,


    State-Directed Violence

  • In New York NY, Human Rights Watch released a report “provid[ing] a detailed account of the [NYPD] police response to the June 4 peaceful protest in Mott Haven, a low-income, majority Black and brown community that has long experienced high levels of police brutality and systemic racism…’The New York City police blocked people from leaving before the curfew and then used the curfew as an excuse to beat, abuse, and arrest people who were protesting peacefully’” said Ida Sawyer, acting crisis and conflict director at Human Rights Watch and co-author of the report. ‘It was a planned operation with no justification that could cost New York taxpayers millions of dollars.’
  • Free and Fair Elections

  • In Washington DC, “Former Justice Department attorneys expressed concerns…that Attorney General William Barr is using the power of the agency to help President Donald Trump win reelection, citing statements Barr had made about mail-in ballots and the politically fraught inquiry into the Russia investigation. ‘We fear that Attorney General Barr intends to use the DOJ’s vast law enforcement powers to undermine our most fundamental democratic value: free and fair elections,’ according to an open letter signed by about 1,600 former Justice Department employees.
  • Also in Washington DC, The Nation obtained an FBI intelligence report “warning of an imminent ‘violent extremist threat’ posed by a far-right militia that includes white supremacists–identifying the current election period up to the 2021 inauguration as a ‘potential flashpoint’.
  • Also also in Washington DC, “[c]oncern is growing over potential confrontations at polling places due to deep partisan divides and baseless claims by President Trump that Democrats will “steal” the election…Such appeals have unnerved voting rights advocates and election officials, especially in light of civil unrest in several cities around the country that have pitted armed groups from the left and right against each other.
  • In Ithaca NY, Prof. Dorf of Cornell Law discussed how, “[g]iven President Trump’s unprecedented suggestions that he would not accept the result of an election that he loses, the question has arisen whether he might attempt to subvert that result by exploiting an apparent loophole.” Prof. Dorf concluded that “[e]ven if a state legislature has the power to assign its Electors to the loser of the state’s Presidential election, it can only do so by complying with the state’s constitutional procedure for lawmaking, including gubernatorial participation.
  • In San Francisco CA, “[a] federal appeals court has denied the Trump administration’s request to temporarily block a lower court order that extends the 2020 census schedule. The Census Bureau must continue counting as ordered by the lower court for now, according to the new ruling by 9th U.S. Circuit Judge Johnnie Rawlinson and Judge Morgan Christen, who were part of a three-judge panel. Circuit Judge Patrick Bumatay dissented.
  • In the New Republic, a review of Judge Amy Comey Barrett’s jurisprudence focused on Kanter v. Barr, “a Second Amendment case decided last year by the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.” Specifically, the author drew attention to Judge Barrett’s dissent in that case, which observed that “history does show that felons could be disqualified from exercising certain rights–like the rights to vote and serve on juries–because these rights belonged only to virtuous citizens.” As the author read Judge Barrett’s argument, “‘Civic rights’ like voting and jury service…can be denied based on whether the individual is ‘virtuous’. From where does this distinction spring? Heller discusses the ‘individual right’ component of the Second Amendment at length but makes no mention of voting rights or virtue. Barrett instead drew upon legal scholars who recast the right to vote in a communal light. ‘The right to vote is held by individuals, but they do not exercise it solely for their own sake; rather, they cast votes as part of the collective enterprise of self-governance,’ she explained.
  • In Washington DC, “[t]he U.S. Supreme Court will take up a major voting-rights case after the election, agreeing to decide whether Arizona is discriminating against racial minorities with rules governing how and where ballots are cast. The clash could further weaken the Voting Rights Act, the landmark 1965 law the Supreme Court already scaled back in 2013..A federal appeals court struck down two aspects of Arizona’s voting law: its longstanding policy of rejecting ballots cast in the wrong precinct and a 2016 statute that makes it a crime for most people to collect or deliver another person’s early ballot. The 7-4 decision by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said each rule had a disproportionate impact on minority voters.
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    PSJD Public Interest News Digest – September 25, 2020

    Sam Halpert, NALP Director of Public Service Initiatives

    Photo: Harris and Ewing Collection, Library of Congress

    Interested public. Here is some news.

    Take care of one another,


    Breonna Taylor

    Crimes Against Humanity

    Rule of Law & Voting Rights

    Non-Profit & Gov’t Management & Hiring

  • Also in Washington DC, “[t]he Department of Homeland Security [] released a proposed rule change putting new limits on visas for international students, exchange visitors (au pairs, visiting scholars, and the like), and foreign journalists. The rules for students especially have drawn immediate criticism because, as is so often the case with the Trump administration’s immigration policy, they are needlessly onerous and cruel…Those familiar with President Trump’s past country-specific immigration rules won’t be surprised to learn the stricter, two-year version applies overwhelmingly to nations in Africa and the Middle East, including many Muslim-majority countries. It does this by targeting the four nations on the state sponsors of terrorism list and, crucially, ‘citizens of countries with a student and exchange visitor total overstay rate of greater than 10 percent.’ But overstay rate often doesn’t correlate with overstay volume (India, for example, has more than 20 times as many overstays as Iraq, but a much lower percentage rate). Thus using the overstay rate limits student visas for what Trump would reportedly dub “shithole countries” via an ostensibly neutral formula while doing relatively little to cut down on total visa overstays.

    Student Loans & Student Debt

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    PSJD Public Interest News Digest – August 28, 2020

    Sam Halpert, NALP Director of Public Service Initiatives

    Photo: Harris and Ewing Collection, Library of Congress

    Interested public. No words today, again.

    Take care of one another,


    Editor’s Choice(s)

    COVID-19 and Remote Legal Practice

    Rule of Law & Voting Rights

    Legal Technology

    Student Loans & Student Debt

    Immigration, Refugee, & Citizenship Issues

    Access to Justice – Civil & Economic

    Access to Justice – Criminal & Decarceration

    Criminal Justice Reform

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