PSJD Public Interest News Digest – February 12, 2021

Sam Halpert, NALP Director of Public Service Initiatives

Photo: Harris and Ewing Collection, Library of Congress

Hello, interested public! I hope you’re all weathering the new year and our continuing shared challenges. The news continues to be jam-packed, but as other aspects of my work become somewhat more manageable I hope to help you sort through it again. This is a long edition, covering material related to the new administration in Washington, the ongoing pandemic and its effects on the legal system and on our social safety net more broadly, and continued reverberations from racial justice protests and challenges to the legitimacy of the recent national election. The most noteworthy story may be a recent survey indicating broad bipartisan appeal (among the populace, not necessarily politicians) for a right to counsel in eviction proceedings.

Take care of one another,


Transition of Power

Immigration, Refugee, and Citizenship Issues

Pandemic in the Legal System

State-Sponsored Violence

Violence Against Protesters

Free & Fair Elections

Student Loans & Student Debt

Non-Profit & Gov’t Management & Hiring

Expanding Legal Practice

Access to Justice – Civil & Economic

Access to Justice – Criminal

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Weil Legal Innovators Program for Incoming Law Students

Securing internships during law school is competitive, but gaining work experience is crucial to building a successful career after graduation. To help build your resume with meaningful legal work experience, Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP (Weil) offers the Legal Innovators Program for incoming law students from partner law schools.

Each year, up to 10 incoming law students defer their first year of school to participate in a paid public interest fellowship with a Weil partner nonprofit organization. Students not only engage in substantial work addressing social and legal challenges, but they also receive $50,000 in compensation for their work and a $10,000 scholarship for their first year of law school.

The Weil Legal Innovators Program is the perfect opportunity for incoming students to give back to their communities and bolster their resumes in preparation for their legal futures.

To learn more and to apply, follow this link.

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Jobs’o’th’Week (Legislative Policy Edition)

Photo: Brenda Gottesman – CC License

This week it’s difficult to focus on anything except anxiously monitoring news sources for updates in election results. Not only is this a once-in-a-lifetime presidential election, but the fate of the Senate is also a tight race.

The controlling parties of the House and Senate determine the future of U.S. law and policy. Regardless of which party wins, lobbying and legislative policy work are important to legal reform and the protection of individuals’ rights. So this week, we highlight legislative policy positions with organizations working on various legal issues.

As always, the positions highlighted are only a small portion of what can be found in our jobs database and in the job market. Policy positions can also be found with your federal, state, and local officials.

A Better Balance and Local Solutions Support Center (New York, NY)

A Better Balance (ABB) is a legal advocacy organization working to reshape laws and policies to fit the needs of the national workforce. ABB works on the frontlines at the federal, state, and local levels to promote workers’ rights as well as safe and healthy work environments.

The Local Solutions Support Center (LSSC) coordinates and creates efforts to counter the abuse of preemption and to strengthen local democracy. LSSC achieves its goals through nonpartisan strategies and tactics to educate public and policymakers about local policymaking authority and the abuse of state preemption.

ABB and LSSC have joined together to recruit Local Democracy Spring Fellows to help defend local democracy from the misuse of state preemption. Ideal candidates will be law students dedicated to local democracy and labor law. This position will be compensated and located in ABB’s office.

Follow this link to learn more. **Remote work may be a possibility.

California Labor Federation (Sacramento, CA)

The California Labor Federation is a statewide organization comprised of more than 1,200 unions representing 2.1 million union members in many industries. The Federation’s mission to be the voice for economic justice on behalf of California union workers.

The Federation seeks a Legislative Advocate to advocate of workers’ rights in California’s Capitol. The ideal candidate will have experience in legislative advocacy, particularly working on employment and labor issues.

Follow this link to learn more. **Remote work may be a possibility.

Legal Aid Society of the District of Columbia (Washington, D.C.)

The Legal Aid Society of the District of Columbia (Legal Aid DC) is D.C.’s oldest and largest civil legal services organization. Legal Aid DC provides direct representation, conducts outreach and education, and works to change laws and regulations to benefit low-income communities in D.C.

Legal Aid DC seeks a Policy Advocate/Attorney to advance racial justice and equity in D.C. The ideal candidate will be very organized and be able to work with a variety of partners including clients, policymakers, and agency staff.

Follow this link to learn more. **Remote work may be a possibility.

Mercy for Animals (Washington, D.C.)

Mercy for Animals is a farmed animal advocacy organization dedicated to creating a compassionate food system that reduces suffering and ends the exploitation of animals for food.

Mercy for Animals seeks a Senior Federal Policy Advisor to work on strategies to drive federal policy change to achieve the organization’s goals. The ideal candidate will have experience working with federal officials and a deep understanding of the federal policymaking processes.

Follow this link to learn more. **Remote work may be a possibility.

Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (Washington, D.C. and Sacramento, CA)

Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF) is the nation’s leading non-profit Latino civil rights law firm. MALDEF promotes social change through advocacy, communications, community education, and litigation in the areas of education, employment, immigrant rights, and political access.

MALDEF seeks two Legislative Staff Attorneys to work with congressional representatives and community organizations to address legislation and administrative regulations that impact Latino communities. The ideal candidate will have experience in civil rights policy and law, and will have an awareness of national issues affecting the Latino community.

Follow this link to learn more about the position in Washington, D.C.

Follow this link to learn more about the position in Sacramento, CA.

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Jobs’o’th’Week (COVID Edition Part 2)

Photo: Brenda Gottesman – CC License

News about spiking COVID-19 infection rates remind us that the pandemic is still a threat to our lives and communities. Many individuals and families continue to feel the socio-economic effects of the pandemic, so this week we’re presenting you with opportunities to provide relief to the populations most vulnerable to these effects. The legal aid organizations listed below have created programs and opportunities to address the growing needs of those affected by the pandemic.

American Civil Liberties Union (New York, NY)

The ACLU’s Criminal Law Reform Project (CLRP) is dedicated to finding a end to excessively harsh crime policies that result in mass incarceration and criminalization. CLRP also works to prevent over-incarceration through strategic litigation and advocacy that promotes reform.

The ACLU seeks a legal fellow to join the CLRP and litigate cases against correctional facilities for their mismanagement of the pandemic. The ideal candidate will be committed to criminal justice reform and have excellent communication skills.

Follow this link to learn more.

Bay Area Legal Aid (San Francisco, CA)

Bay Area Legal Aid (BayLegal) provides civil legal services to the most vulnerable populations of the Bay Area. BayLegal’s services work in many legal areas including consumer protection, health care access, domestic violence and sexual assault prevention, immigration, housing preservation, and much more.

Bay Area Legal Aid seeks an Economic Justice Staff Attorney to provide services to families facing debt and homelessness as a result of the pandemic. The ideal candidate will be passionate about serving low-income individuals and will have experience with local, state, and federal benefits programs.

Follow this link to learn more. **Remote work may be a possibility.

Bread for the City (Washington, DC)

Bread for the City helps low-income residents of D.C. to develop the power to determine the future of their own communities. Bread for the City works had to uproot racism and combat poverty through advocacy and social and legal services.

Bread for the City seeks a Public Benefits Fellow to provide support to individuals and families facing terminations of benefits as a result of COVID-19. The Fellow will advise and represent clients experiencing problems with their local and federal benefits. The ideal candidate will be flexible, have a sense of humor, and be able to work independently and with a wide variety of people.

Follow this link to learn more.

De Novo (Cambridge, MA)

De Novo provides civil legal assistance and mental health counseling to low-income people and families in the Greater Boston and Cambridge areas. With its vast network of volunteers, De Novo combats the effects of poverty and helps clients cope with the emotional impact of trauma.

De Nova seeks a Lead Attorney to joins its new COVID Eviction Legal Help Project. This project was created in response to increased evictions after the Massachusetts state government lifted the eviction moratorium. The ideal candidate will have experience in litigation and landlord-tenant law.

Follow this link to learn more.

The Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York (Albany, NY)

The Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York provides civil legal services to low-income communities and individuals. Their goal is to fight for fairness, justice, and dignity for all those living in poverty.

The Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York seeks a staff attorney to assist it’s Homelessness Prevention project as more families in the Capital Region of New York face homelessness as a result of the pandemic. The attorney will provide legal assistance, be involved in community efforts, and collaborate with government and nonprofit agencies to assist the homeless and at risk residents of the Capital Region. The ideal candidate will be dedicate to helping low-income communities overcome institutional barriers to basic needs and human rights.

Follow this link to learn more.

South Coastal Counties Legal Services, Inc. (Fall River, MA)

South Coastal Counties Legal Services, Inc. (SCCLS) provides free civil legal assistant to low-income and elderly resident of Southeastern Massachusetts. SCCLS works in housing, public benefits, elder law, domestic relations, employment and much more. SCCLS staff not only represents and assists in legal matters, but they also sponsor community legal education and build relationships with community groups and organizations to serve clients.

SCCLS seeks a temporary staff attorney to join its COVID Eviction Legal Help Project. The attorney will represent clients facing eviction who are unable to navigate the courts due to age, health, and language barriers. The ideal candidate will have experience working with vulnerable populations and be fluent in a second language that reflects the communities of Southeastern Massachusetts.

Follow this link to learn more.

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PSJD Public Interest News Digest – October 23, 2020

Sam Halpert, NALP Director of Public Service Initiatives

Photo: Harris and Ewing Collection, Library of Congress

Interested public. So many urgent concerns clamor for our attention these days. I hope my attempt to be focused in this space suits your needs. Here is some news.

Take care of one another,


State-Directed Violence

Free and Fair Elections

The Civil Service

  • In Washington DC, “President Trump this week fired his biggest broadside yet against the federal bureaucracy by issuing an executive order that would remove job security from an estimated tens of thousands of civil servants and dramatically remake the government…attorneys, regulators, public health experts and many others in senior roles would lose rights to due process and in some cases, union representation, at agencies across the government. The White House declined to say how many jobs would be swept into a class of employees with fewer civil service rights, but civil service experts and union leaders estimated anywhere from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands in a workforce of 2.1 million.
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    Jobs’o’th’Week (Healthcare Edition)

    Photo: Brenda Gottesman – CC License

    The hearings for U.S. Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett reminded us that the future of healthcare is up for review one week after the November election. With that in mind, this week’s blog post showcases internships, fellowships, and post-grad positions working on health-related legal issues.

    The positions chosen this week are only the tip of the iceberg of what the database holds. To explore more openings, follow this link for a filtered search.

    Community Legal Services of Philadelphia (Philadelphia, PA)

    Community Legal Services of Philadelphia (CLS) is a civil legal aid organization providing free legal services to low-income Philadelphians. CLS’s Health and Independence Unit represents individuals and families facing health and public benefits issues. CLS staff help clients navigate processes for obtaining or keeping public health care and public benefits as well as litigate on behalf of clients when organizations deny care to vulnerable populations or individuals.

    CLS seeks a staff attorney to join the Health and Independence Unit. The ideal candidate will have experience working with diverse populations as well as have a commitment to helping low-income individuals and families.

    Follow this link to learn more.

    Compassion & Choices (Portland, OR or Washington, D.C.)

    Compassion & Choices is a national nonprofit dedicated to improving care and expanding choice at the end of life. Compassion & Choices’ chapters and members help patients face the end of life with facts and choices of action during a difficult time.

    Compassion & Choices seeks Legislative Counsel to help advance medical outreach and education. The ideal candidate will have experience with public policy and knowledge of healthcare-related issues.

    Follow this link to learn more.

    If/When/How: Lawyering for Reproductive Justice (Oakland, CA; Atlanta, GA; or Washington, D.C.)

    If/When/How: Lawyering for Reproductive Justice transforms the law and policy landscape through advocacy, support, and organizing so all people have the power to determine if, when, and how to define, create, and sustain families with dignity and to actualize sexual and reproductive wellbeing on their own terms.

    Each year If/When/How sponsors three fellows to work with placement organizations on HIV awareness and reproductive justice issues at the federal and state levels. Ideal candidates will have knowledge of public health and reproductive justice issues.

    Follow this link to learn more. **Remote work may be a possibility.

    Law Foundation of Silicon Valley (San Jose, CA)

    The Law Foundation of Silicon Valley (Law Foundation) works hard to secure justice and protect human rights through legal advocacy, counseling, and access to the legal system. The Law Foundation’s Health/Mental Health Program provides free legal advice and representation to residents of Santa Clara County.

    The Law Foundation seeks two staff attorneys and a directing attorney to join the Health/Mental Health Program. Ideal candidates will have experience with issues affecting individuals living with physical, mental, and development health disabilities.

    Follow this link to learn more.

    National Alliance of State & Territorial AIDS Directors (Washington, D.C.)

    National Alliance of State & Territorial AIDS Directors (NASTAD) is a non-partisan association representing public health officials who administer HIV and hepatitis programs nationally and internationally. NASTAD’s goal is to eradicate the epidemics of HIV, viral hepatitis, and related conditions.

    NASTAD seeks a legal fellow to join its Health Systems Integration team. The ideal candidate will have experience with governmental public health programs and the ability to build and strengthen partnerships outside of the organization.

    Follow this link to learn more.

    Planned Parenthood Federation of America (New York, NY or Washington, D.C.)

    Planned Parenthood Federation of America is nation’s leading women’s health care provider, educator, and advocate, serving women, teens, and families. Planned Parenthood’s Public Policy Litigation and Law Department litigates in state and federal courts and advocates in Congress and state legislatures to promote reproductive rights.

    The Law Department of Planned Parenthood seeks law students for spring externships in New York and Washington D.C. Ideal candidates will be interested in reproductive justice and health law as well as have excellent research and writing skills.

    Follow this link to learn more.

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    PSJD Public Interest News Digest – October 2, 2020

    Sam Halpert, NALP Director of Public Service Initiatives

    Photo: Harris and Ewing Collection, Library of Congress

    Interested public. So many urgent concerns clamor for our attention these days. I hope my attempt to be focused in this space suits your needs. Here is some news.

    Take care of one another,


    State-Directed Violence

  • In New York NY, Human Rights Watch released a report “provid[ing] a detailed account of the [NYPD] police response to the June 4 peaceful protest in Mott Haven, a low-income, majority Black and brown community that has long experienced high levels of police brutality and systemic racism…’The New York City police blocked people from leaving before the curfew and then used the curfew as an excuse to beat, abuse, and arrest people who were protesting peacefully’” said Ida Sawyer, acting crisis and conflict director at Human Rights Watch and co-author of the report. ‘It was a planned operation with no justification that could cost New York taxpayers millions of dollars.’
  • Free and Fair Elections

  • In Washington DC, “Former Justice Department attorneys expressed concerns…that Attorney General William Barr is using the power of the agency to help President Donald Trump win reelection, citing statements Barr had made about mail-in ballots and the politically fraught inquiry into the Russia investigation. ‘We fear that Attorney General Barr intends to use the DOJ’s vast law enforcement powers to undermine our most fundamental democratic value: free and fair elections,’ according to an open letter signed by about 1,600 former Justice Department employees.
  • Also in Washington DC, The Nation obtained an FBI intelligence report “warning of an imminent ‘violent extremist threat’ posed by a far-right militia that includes white supremacists–identifying the current election period up to the 2021 inauguration as a ‘potential flashpoint’.
  • Also also in Washington DC, “[c]oncern is growing over potential confrontations at polling places due to deep partisan divides and baseless claims by President Trump that Democrats will “steal” the election…Such appeals have unnerved voting rights advocates and election officials, especially in light of civil unrest in several cities around the country that have pitted armed groups from the left and right against each other.
  • In Ithaca NY, Prof. Dorf of Cornell Law discussed how, “[g]iven President Trump’s unprecedented suggestions that he would not accept the result of an election that he loses, the question has arisen whether he might attempt to subvert that result by exploiting an apparent loophole.” Prof. Dorf concluded that “[e]ven if a state legislature has the power to assign its Electors to the loser of the state’s Presidential election, it can only do so by complying with the state’s constitutional procedure for lawmaking, including gubernatorial participation.
  • In San Francisco CA, “[a] federal appeals court has denied the Trump administration’s request to temporarily block a lower court order that extends the 2020 census schedule. The Census Bureau must continue counting as ordered by the lower court for now, according to the new ruling by 9th U.S. Circuit Judge Johnnie Rawlinson and Judge Morgan Christen, who were part of a three-judge panel. Circuit Judge Patrick Bumatay dissented.
  • In the New Republic, a review of Judge Amy Comey Barrett’s jurisprudence focused on Kanter v. Barr, “a Second Amendment case decided last year by the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals.” Specifically, the author drew attention to Judge Barrett’s dissent in that case, which observed that “history does show that felons could be disqualified from exercising certain rights–like the rights to vote and serve on juries–because these rights belonged only to virtuous citizens.” As the author read Judge Barrett’s argument, “‘Civic rights’ like voting and jury service…can be denied based on whether the individual is ‘virtuous’. From where does this distinction spring? Heller discusses the ‘individual right’ component of the Second Amendment at length but makes no mention of voting rights or virtue. Barrett instead drew upon legal scholars who recast the right to vote in a communal light. ‘The right to vote is held by individuals, but they do not exercise it solely for their own sake; rather, they cast votes as part of the collective enterprise of self-governance,’ she explained.
  • In Washington DC, “[t]he U.S. Supreme Court will take up a major voting-rights case after the election, agreeing to decide whether Arizona is discriminating against racial minorities with rules governing how and where ballots are cast. The clash could further weaken the Voting Rights Act, the landmark 1965 law the Supreme Court already scaled back in 2013..A federal appeals court struck down two aspects of Arizona’s voting law: its longstanding policy of rejecting ballots cast in the wrong precinct and a 2016 statute that makes it a crime for most people to collect or deliver another person’s early ballot. The 7-4 decision by the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said each rule had a disproportionate impact on minority voters.
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    Jobs’o’th’Week (Accountability Edition)

    Photo: Brenda Gottesman – CC License

    Events over the past four years and recent news about Breonna Taylor’s case have made it apparent that governments and government officials are not held accountable for all of their harmful actions. That’s why some public interest organizations focus their work on government accountability to help ensure that the rights and lives of American citizens and residents are protected and respected. This week we’re highlighting positions with organizations dedicated to holding governments and individuals accountable.

    American Civil Liberties Union (Southern California and Louisiana)

    The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is one of the premier organizations working to improve the criminal justice system through impact litigation and policy reform.

    The ACLU of Southern California seeks a Staff Attorney to join its criminal Justice Project in Los Angeles. The attorney will be expected to lend litigation support, advise on policy considerations, and conduct community outreach and education. The ideal candidate will have professional or personal experience with the criminal justice system.

    Follow this link to learn more.

    The ACLU of Louisiana seeks a Policy Strategist to work on criminal justice reform as part of the Advocacy Department. The strategist will contribute to many campaigns including those advocating for an end to mass incarceration, racial equality in the criminal legal system, and an increase in transparency and accountability of local government officials working in the criminal justice system.

    Follow this link to learn more.

    Democracy Forward (Washington, D.C.)

    Democracy Forward is a non-profit organization dedicated to exposing corruption within the U.S. Executive Branch and holding federal officials accountable for their harmful actions and policies. Since its launch in 2017, Democracy Forward has filed more than 100 lawsuits challenging unlawful Executive Branch actions.

    Democracy Forward seeks an experienced litigator to join its team. The ideal candidate will be familiar with litigation involving the Executive Branch and will be passionate about fighting government corruption.

    Follow this link to learn more. **Remote work may be a possibility.

    Fair and Just Prosecution (San Francisco, CA)

    Fair and Just Prosecution works toward creating a more equitable, just system by bringing together newly elected local prosecutors to share information, research, and assistance. Through the community and resources provided, these prosecutors have the tools and support necessary to build new strategies to create a fair and just criminal legal system.

    Fair and Just Prosecution seeks a Research and Policy Fellow to joins its staff. The fellow will provide research on strategies to reduce incarceration, promote diversion programs and bail reform, and much more. The ideal candidate will be committed to reforming prosecution systems and reimagining the role of prosecutive leaders.

    Follow this link to learn more. **Remote work may be a possibility.

    NYU School of Law, Policing Project (New York, NY)

    The Policing Project at New York University School of Law is an educational organization that partners with communities and police units to advance public safety. Their goal is to promote public voice in setting policing policies before the police act. The Policing Project also regulates policing technology and develops methods for communities to address social problems without police intervention.

    The Policing Project seeks a Senior Staff Attorney to manage and assist in the Project’s legislative work. The ideal candidate will have experience with legislative drafting and be passionate about racial justice and criminal procedure.

    Follow this link to learn more.

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    PSJD Public Interest News Digest – September 25, 2020

    Sam Halpert, NALP Director of Public Service Initiatives

    Photo: Harris and Ewing Collection, Library of Congress

    Interested public. Here is some news.

    Take care of one another,


    Breonna Taylor

    Crimes Against Humanity

    Rule of Law & Voting Rights

    Non-Profit & Gov’t Management & Hiring

  • Also in Washington DC, “[t]he Department of Homeland Security [] released a proposed rule change putting new limits on visas for international students, exchange visitors (au pairs, visiting scholars, and the like), and foreign journalists. The rules for students especially have drawn immediate criticism because, as is so often the case with the Trump administration’s immigration policy, they are needlessly onerous and cruel…Those familiar with President Trump’s past country-specific immigration rules won’t be surprised to learn the stricter, two-year version applies overwhelmingly to nations in Africa and the Middle East, including many Muslim-majority countries. It does this by targeting the four nations on the state sponsors of terrorism list and, crucially, ‘citizens of countries with a student and exchange visitor total overstay rate of greater than 10 percent.’ But overstay rate often doesn’t correlate with overstay volume (India, for example, has more than 20 times as many overstays as Iraq, but a much lower percentage rate). Thus using the overstay rate limits student visas for what Trump would reportedly dub “shithole countries” via an ostensibly neutral formula while doing relatively little to cut down on total visa overstays.

    Student Loans & Student Debt

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    Jobs’o’th’Week (Fellowship Edition)

    Photo: Brenda Gottesman – CC License

    With the devastating passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, we remember her achievements and seek ways to honor her memory. Justice Ginsburg was a pioneer for gender equality and dedicated her career to fighting for women’s rights.

    As a tribute to her accomplishments, we have highlighted fellowship positions working to advance and protect the rights of women to help us carry on Justice Ginsburg’s legacy.

    American Civil Liberties Union, Women’s Rights Project (New York, NY)

    One of Justice Ginsburg’s accomplishments was co-founding the Women’s Rights Project with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). The Women’s Rights Project employs litigation, advocacy, and public education to enact change and systemic reform in institutions that perpetuate gender discrimination.

    The ACLU’s Women’s Rights Project seeks to sponsor a legal fellow to begin in Fall 2021. Applicants have the chance to design their own project related to the advancement and protection of women’s rights. The ideal candidate will be committed to gender equity, be driven and self-motivated, and be able to work collaboratively and with a team.

    Follow this link to learn more.

    American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois (Chicago, IL)

    The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Illinois carries out the national mission of ACLU throughout Illinois. Employees of the ACLU of Illinois fight mass incarceration and racism in the criminal justice system, advocate for vulnerable populations, promote equality for LGBTQ people, and much more.

    The ACLU of Illinois seeks a legal fellow to join its Women’s and Reproductive Rights Project and fight to advance gender justice. The ideal candidate will be willing to take initiative, work well with a team, and be able to communicate clearly in legal and non-legal settings.

    Follow this link to learn more.

    Center for Reproductive Rights (New York, NY)

    The Center for Reproductive Rights is dedicated to advancing reproductive rights as fundamental human rights. Their attorneys not only litigate in the U.S., but they also work internationally to document abuses, create policy change, and teach about reproductive health and human rights.

    The Center for Reproductive Rights seeks a litigation fellow to join its U.S. Litigation team. The fellow will work on impact litigation on reproductive rights and justice issues in federal and state courts. The ideal candidate will have litigation experience and a commitment to reproductive and human rights.

    Follow this link to learn more.

    National Women’s Law Center (Washington, D.C.)

    The National Women’s Law Center (NWLC) fights for gender justice and equality in all aspects of life. The NWLC fights in the courts, in public policy, and in society to break down barriers, particularly for those who face multiple forms of discrimination.

    The NWLC seeks a Litigation Fellow and a Workplace Justice Fellow to join its staff. Ideal candidates will have experience with women’s rights and be dedicated to advancing equality for women.

    Follow this link to learn more about the Litigation Fellowship

    Follow this link to learn more about the Workplace Justice Fellowship.

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