Job o' the Day: Itchin' to head west?

Check out this opportunity to be a Land Access and Tenure Security Attorney with Landesa Rural Development Institute.

Landesa works to secure land rights for the world’s poorest people—those 3 billion chiefly rural people who live on less than two dollars a day.  Landesa partners with developing countries to design and implement laws, policies, and programs concerning land that provide opportunity, further economic growth, and promote social justice.

Within a context of developing countries around the world, the Landesa Attorney provides legal, policy, and implementation expertise on rural land tenure security, access to land, land redistribution, land privatization, land market liberalization, and land administration (land titling and registration, land use planning and zoning, and dispute resolution). The Attorney conducts legal and social science research (both from the desk and in the field), and prepares and provides analytical reviews, research papers, draft legislation, regulations, surveys, policies, training programs, presentations, and other products.

To view the full job listing, go to PSLawNet (login required).

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