Trying to Get a Handle on Your Student Debt? Check out Equal Justice Works’ Educational Debt Resources & Webinars!

Here’s a message from our friends over at Equal Justice Works:

Has your student debt become a financial burden you are struggling to deal with? Are you worried about the amount you are borrowing to pay for college or graduate school and wondering if you will be able to repay it all? If so, Equal Justice Works is here to help.

We provide in depth information on loan repayment assistance programs and relief programs like Income-Based Repayment and Public Service Loan Forgiveness to help everyone pursue the career of their dreams. Our eBook, Take Control of Your Future, details the steps you need to take to manage your student debt now and in the future.

Every month, our free, live webinars also provide a comprehensive overview of the federal debt relief options available for students and graduates and provide viewers with the opportunity to ask questions. Click here to view a schedule of our webinars and to register for an upcoming session.

Our March sessions include:

Drowning in Debt? Learn How Government and Nonprofit Workers Can Earn Public Service Loan Forgiveness

Thursday, March 14, 3-4 p.m. EST

Thursday, March 28, 3-4 p.m. EST

A must attend for anyone with educational debt planning to work or currently working for the government or a nonprofit, this webinar explains how you can benefit from income driven repayment plans, including President Obama’s new Pay As You Earn program, and exactly how Public Service Loan Forgiveness works.

Finally, make sure you keep up with what’s shaping the student debt world by following our weekly U.S. News blog, the Student Loan Ranger. Last month let you know how to evaluate Loan Repayment Assistance Programs; looked at a report analyzing how the financial aid system can be revamped to support college access, affordability, and completion; and asked if the increased credit risk posed by student loans will affect borrowers’ credit scores in the future.

See you at the webinars!