PSJD News Digest – March 22, 2024

Sam Halpert, NALP Director of Public Service Initiatives

Photo: Harris and Ewing Collection, Library of Congress

Hello, interested public!

Lots of news this week: the student loan servicer in charge of managing public-service-related loans will be appearing in front of a Congressional hearing, while Biden outlined new forgiveness strategies for public service workers. New York State is considering multiple right-to-counsel bills (related to immigration services and tenants’ rights). Pay for public defenders adn court appointed attorneys looks likely to improve in multiple states, but in Louisiana public defenders are are worried that controversial new changes to the state’s system for managing their work may result in pay reductions. As always, these stories and more are in the links below.

Take care,


Editor’s Choice

Student Debt and Student Loans

Non-Profit & Government Management & Hiring

Access to Justice – Civil & Economic

Access to Justice – Criminal

Prosecutorial and Public Defense Office Hiring Crises

Criminal Justice Reform & Counter-Reform