Vermont Law School Releases Inaugural "Top 10 Environmental Watch List"

Earlier this week, Vermont Law School released the Top 10 Environmental Watch List for 2011 highlighting the “nation’s most critical environmental law and policy issues of 2010 and how they may play out in 2011.”

Which issues made the top three on their list?

1. Congressional failure to enact climate change legislation: Professor Gus Speth, a pioneer of the environmental movement, explores what went wrong and whether the EPA and state and local lawmakers will step forward in 2011.

2. The nation’s worst oil spill: Associate Professor Betsy Baker, an expert in the law of the sea, examines the legal and policy fallout from the Deepwater Horizon disaster.

3. First U.S. greenhouse gas rules: Professor Pat Parenteau, whose expertise includes climate change, looks at whether the EPA’s efforts to restrict global warming pollutants will survive judicial and political challenges.


The full report examines 10 judicial, regulatory, legislative and other actions that have significant impacts on humans and the environment.  Read the full report here.

A big thank you from the PSLawNet Blog to Vermont Law School for their dedication to improving the public’s understanding of environmental law and policy issues!