Pro Bono Week's a Month Away – How Will You Celebrate?

by Kristen Pavón

If you don’t already know, National Pro Bono Week is October 23 to October 29. Lots of great educational events are planned across the country to celebrate efforts to meet the legal needs of our most vulnerable populations.

Have you decided what you’ll do during the Pro Bono celebration?

If not, the ABA Standing Committee on Pro Bono and Public Service has a comprehensive list of the events by state here.

Also, remember to join the national conversation on pro bono! Today’s question is: What suggestions do you have for law schools that would result in the graduation of students committed to access for all?

Here’s my response: First, law schools can offer more public interest-related courses, including poverty law, affordable housing and civil rights. Also, access to justice issues should be discussed and covered in every law school course, similar to requiring an international component to curricula. Additionally, law school career counselors should have specialized knowledge and training in public interest advising. Finally, law schools should make pro bono work a priority; students’ pro bono accomplishments should be widely promoted throughout the school and community.

Add your thoughts here!

Also, let us know below what you’ve got going on for Pro Bono Week.

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