Job o' the Day: Judicial Fellow at LeGaL – the LGBT Bar Association Foundation of Greater NY

The LGBT Bar Association Foundation of Greater New York (“LeGaL Foundation”) judicial fellowship program remains one-of-a-kind by providing fellows the chance to rotate for the 10-week summer among several different judges from varying courts and tribunals.  

The fellow gets a first-hand look at the work of openly gay and lesbian and other judges in federal, criminal and state civil courts, and administrative tribunals, providing an insider’s understanding of the judicial system and the opportunity to work alongside openly lesbian and gay judges.  Additionally, depending on the assignments selected by the fellow, students can expect to complete 1-2 written assignments consisting of draft decisions and/or memorandum.

The fellowship is intended for law students with a demonstrated interest in, and commitment to, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights.  The program values diversity.  All interested students are encouraged to apply.
A $4,000 stipend will be awarded to a qualified law student to support a 10 week summer judicial fellowship in New York City under the auspices of the LGBT Bar Association Foundation of Greater New York (“LeGaL Foundation”).
Interested? Check out the listing at PSLawNet!