Job o' the Day: PAID Internship at Northwest Defenders Association in Seattle!

Northwest Defenders Association is a non-profit public defender agency representing clients in Seattle, Washington.  Agency attorneys and staff represent adult and juvenile clients charged with criminal offenses, parents and children in dependency actions and respondents in contempt of court proceedings.

Northwest Defenders Association is offering three internship positions with stipends of $1500 each for law students who have completed their second year of school.  They are offered in honor of Kimiko Nagaoka Mukai, mother of former Board Treasurer Don Mukai.  Ms. Mukai was in her second year of college when President Theodore Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, requiring Japanese Americans to report to internment camps.  Ms. Mukai and her family were held at Camp Minidoka in Idaho.  She was never able to complete college but received an honorary degree in 2002 at the age of 90.

If you’re interested, see the listing at PSLawNet!