Are You Ready for a Sponsor?

by Kristen Pavón

So, we’ve all heard about mentorship and the benefits of having someone to talk to about your career path and help guide you about professional decisions. Well, it’s time to either a) get a sponsor or b) become a sponsor. Sponsorship kicks mentorship up about 10 notches. I had never heard of sponsorship before, but it seems like a necessary relationship to have in this job market.

My colleague, Millie Bond, wrote an article on this very topic after we attended a sponsorship session at NALP’s Professional Development Institute last month.

Here’s a teaser…

Having someone in your corner, whom you can count on to listen to your concerns and provide useful feedback, is valuable and necessary.  Most of us refer to these corner men and women as mentors.  They’re great but when searching for career advancement a corner person isn’t enough.  What you need is a promoter.  This person is able to talk about you and your work to leaders and decision makers within your organization.  These professional promoters are sponsors.

Stellings and Warren describe sponsors as people who “have power and clout, are key decision makers, provide visibility and expand networks, and are active advocates who fight for opportunities.”  In other words, your sponsor is willing and able to sing your praises and has ability to influence other decision makers and leaders within your organization.

Find out how to find or become a sponsor at NALPcomments!