Job o' the Day: New Mexico Appleseed Poverty Fellowship!

New Mexico Appleseed is offering a two-year fellowship beginning in the fall of 2012 to work on poverty issues plaguing New Mexico. The fellow will do extensive research, writing, and policy/community advocacy on issues pertaining to poverty. Topics include hunger policy issues (school and afterschool meals, summer food, Native American hunger, and SNAP), economic development, and housing and homelessness.

New Mexico Appleseed crafts and advocates for high-impact policy solutions to problems affecting the poor and underserved. It is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, and part of the national Appleseed network of 17 public interest justice centers in the United States and Mexico. Because New Mexico Appleseed is a trusted knowledge base on the law, best practices elsewhere, and the financial impacts of the policies it proposes, it has been able to make major changes in how schools and the state do business on issues that matter to it.

To learn how to apply, see the full listing at PSLawNet!