Job o' the Day: Homeless Veterans Project Clerk at Inner City Law Center in LA!

The only full-time provider of legal services headquartered on Skid Row in downtown Los Angeles, Inner City Law Center combats slum housing and develops strategies to end homelessness. ICLC is recognized for its expertise in housing issues, homelessness prevention, and veterans’ benefits. Our staff of 40 provides quality legal representation for people who have nowhere else to turn.  We fight for justice for low-income individuals, working poor families, immigrants, people who are homeless or disabled, and veterans.

The Homeless Veterans Project represent military veterans with disabilities before the Department of Veterans Affairs to help them obtain income support, health care, and other benefits that are rightfully due to them.  In 2009, ICLC recognized a tremendous unmet demand for legal services for the increasing number of female veterans.  To meet this growing need, ICLC launched a female veterans legal program. The program is one of the first of its kind in the country and has been featured on National Public Radio. The Project also specializes in psychological trauma claims, especially Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) arising from combat, or sexual assault.

Clerks within the Project will help conduct intake, manage cases and clients, research applicable laws and regulations, attend hearings and community meetings, and draft persuasive documents to file with the Department of Veterans Affairs.  Each clerk is also expected to write for publication about some aspect of the process or his or her experience.

Interested? Check out the listing at PSLawNet!