Moving to a Large Metro Area This Fall? Check Out Our Guide to Living on a Budget in a Big City!

by: Ashley Matthews

It’s that time of year again!

It’s already August, and the hustle and bustle of fall activity is starting. The last days of summer are drifting by, and many of us are packing up and moving on to new (and hopefully exciting!) places for law school, internships, or post-graduate work. We all know that some of the best places to do public interest work are in major cities like Los Angeles or Miami, but these urban areas can be alarmingly expensive, to say the least.

Los Angeles is one of the featured cities!
Photo Courtesy of

So what’s a starving student to do for fun on a tight budget while living in a thriving urban area? Check out PSLawNet’s handy guide, Having Fun on the Cheap in Big Cities, to get tips on living like a boss, but on an intern’s salary (or lack thereof).

Featured cities include:

1. Atlanta

2. Boston

3. Chicago

4. Los Angeles

5. Miami

6. New Orleans

7. New York

8. Philadelphia

9. San Francisco

10. Washington, D.C.

With information on all kinds of social and cultural attractions, this guide is full of fun things to do, places to go, and sights to see in some of the most popular cities in America. Keep it close while you explore your new city, and feel free to drop us a line at if you have any suggestions to add to the list!