Job o’ the Day: Staff Attorney in the Religious Liberty Clinic at Stanford Law School!

Stanford Law School’s Religious Liberty Clinic is currently accepting applications for a staff attorney position. The clinic offers students the ability to represent clients in disputes relating to religious beliefs, practices, and customs.

From the PSJD job listing:

The RLC is the newest of the eleven clinics comprising the Mills Legal Clinic, and is the only one of its kind in the country. The RLC was launched in August 2012, and will be open to students in January 2013. The Stanford clinical program is unique in that students participate in a clinic on a full-time basis; the clinic is the only course a student takes during the term of enrollment. The Mills Legal Clinic occupies an entire floor in an award-winning central campus building opened earlier this year.

The RLC will focus on developing professional skills in a dynamic way. Specifically, students will be introduced to the “real practice of law” through their representation of a diverse group of clients in disputes arising from a wide range of religious beliefs, practices, and settings. Projects might involve a prisoner facing obstacles to religious observance, a small church, synagogue, or mosque with zoning challenges, or a faith-based group seeking access to public facilities. Students will learn and apply the laws affecting religious liberty, and will be expected to counsel individual or small institutional clients and litigate on their behalf with excellence, professionalism, and maturity.

As a litigation-focused clinic, the RLC will involve administrative, trial, and appellate work. Most administrative and trial work will take place in California, while appellate work will be done nationally. Because the RLC is a new and unique project, near-term clinic activities will also include marketing, outreach, and development efforts.

For full information on this job posting, including qualifications and the deadline, visit (log-in required).