PSJD is at the 5th Annual She Leads Conference on Women & the Law!

by Ashley Matthews

Recently, the ABA Commission on Women in the Law released statistics showing that women comprise only 33% of the legal profession. In addition, while weekly salaries for women lawyers are increasing, male attorneys still receive a higher weekly salary. Diversity in the legal profession includes women lawyers, so statistics like these point to a continued need for open dialogue.

For this reason, PSJD is excited to be in attendance at the 5th Annual She Leads Conference on Women & the Law today at the Washington College of Law at American University! Ms. JD, a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the experiences of women in the legal profession, is co-sponsoring the conference with the Women and the Law program at American University, Washington College of Law.

The She Leads conference will help attendees develop core leadership skills that can be applied at law school, legal practice, the government, or at non-profits. Breakout sessions are designed to empower women attorneys in every way – from leading a large organization such as a law firm or nonprofit, to running for political office.

For more information about the She Leads conference, visit the Ms. JD website. Also, check out this NALP Bulletin article on women and minority representation at law firms for more information on diversity within the legal profession.