PSJD Public Interest News Digest – July 14, 2023

Sam Halpert, NALP Director of Public Service Initiatives

Photo: Harris and Ewing Collection, Library of Congress

Hello, interested public! Apologies, but the stories today are all news from /last/ week. This week’s digest is in the pipeline and I am hoping to get it to you all first thing Monday. (I’ve been dealing with some illness and am a bit behind.) Major stories include additional fallout from the Supreme Court’s recent decision regarding student loans, the continued growth of local-government-based “right to counsel in eviction programs” (and a critique of this approach to securing housing in the United States, featured as an Editor’s Choice), and news on hiring trends within private firms’ pro bono teams and across the US government sector. It’s a long one, and I’ve got more news coming at you soon. Hang in there.

As always, these stories and more are in the links below.

Take care of each other,


Editor’s Choice

Supreme Court Ethics Concerns

Student Loans & Student Debt

Eye on AI

Environmental Crisis

Immigration & Refugee Issues

Non-Profit & Government Management & Hiring

Access to Justice – Civil & Economic

Access to Justice – Criminal

Prosecutorial and Public Defense Office Hiring Crises

Criminal Justice Reform and Counter-Reform